GLOSSARY: Started unit
-to tumble: to strike the foot against something, as in running, so as to trip or fall.
-to greet: to speak or act in some form of welcome.
-to put on weight: to gain weight; to get fat.
-rewarding: affording satisfaction, valuable experience.
-in advance: before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing.
-bloopers: an embarrassing mistake, as one spoken over the radio or TV.
-landmarks: a feature in the landscape or an object in an area that is easily noticed or that serves as a guide; a building or other place of outstanding historical or cultural importance.
-under construction: being built or repaired.
-cliffs: a high, steep rock face: precipice.
-belt: a band of flexible material that encircles the waist.
-hood: a soft or flexible covering for the head and neck.
-roast: to cook (food) by direct, dry heat, as in an oven.